Information about our use of cookies

This website may use cookies when you navigate the site. We want you to understand|know|realize)% what these cookies are, why we use them, and the choices you can make in terms of their use. By browsing this site, you acknowledge, accept and authorize our use of cookies.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small data file made up of letters and numbers that is stored on your browser or device when you visit our website. They track certain of your activities and record your preferences, which allows the website to provide the best browsing experience when you visit and to identify areas needing improvement.

How we use cookies

Session cookies and persistent cookies are both used on our website:

Session cookies: Session cookies function only while you are browsing our website. Once you close your browser or log out of the website, they are deleted from your device. We use them to gather information concerning your activities on the website.

Persistent cookies: These cookies are permanent cookies that stay on your computer/device until they expire or are deleted. Their use enables us to offer a more personalized browsing experience when you return to our site.

Our website makes use of the following cookies for the reasons specified:

Strictly necessary cookies: These are cookies that are required for our website to function and are always enabled. Strictly necessary cookies enable such website functions as member login and preference functions, for example.

Performance cookies/analytics cookies: These cookies collect information on your interaction with our website. They serve the purpose of evaluating and enhancing your experience of our website by ensuring such things as relevant content, for example.

Functionality cookies: These cookies ensure a more personalized experience when you visit our website. They allow us to remember data, such as your username and preferences, so that you don't have to enter it each time you visit.

Targeting cookies: These are cookies that record your visits to our website, the pages you browse during your visits, and any links you follow. This data is used to ensure that any advertising on our website is relevant to your interests.

Third-party cookies

Some content on the website is served by third parties, including analytics or advertising companies and ad networks. These third parties may use cookies to collect information when you use our website. We have no control over over these cookies.

How you can exercise choice regarding cookies

There several of ways to exercise your choice regarding cookies. Browsers provide the ability to clear cookies from your computer/device in the settings options. Doing so may render some website functions unusable, however.
